I came across a blog today as I was looking for an image to put on the "Jesus Can Suck My Balls" t-shirt I'm making. You can check the blog out here if you think Jesus is the Son of GOD or if, like me, you simply enjoy mocking the (mentally) infirm.
The Immaculate Blow Job
At any rate, after reading a few of the comments from one particular post about how terrible it is that people make pictures of jesus christ laughing I felt compelled to post the following:
This is ridiculous. It's like you're debating whether Santa gets dirty going down the chimney.
There is no Jesus. There is no god. You cling to a belief for which there is zero evidence because you fear a world without him and because you desperately want your meaningless life to have some eternal value.
Let's face it, none of us really mean anything to 99.9999999% of the world’s population. You have your family of origin and your family of creation. You're lucky if you have a good relationship with the former and unforgivably foolish if you don't with the latter.
Religion teaches us that god is angry, jealous, and vengeful. It teaches us to hate those who believe differently and to wage war against them. It teaches us to reject our loved ones if they fail to believe as we believe. It destroys nations, it destroys families, and it destroys people's lives.
And yet you place your heads in the sand refuse to see the truth beyond what you so desperately desire to be true. You are incapable of applying to religion the same logic you use in all other aspects of your lives.
If your god is real, why do the "wicked" persistently prosper? Why do the "righteous" consistently suffer tragedy and pain? If god can save the lives of the righteous why doesn't he? Why does he kill so indiscriminately? Why does he make people gay but them tell them they must not do that which fulfills the emotionally, spiritually, and physically?
Why does your god allow you to bomb abortion clinics and drag gay men behind trucks and burn crosses on the lawns of 'unbelievers' and burn pagans at the stake and reject the poor and the uneducated and those of other races in this country?
Your lives are meaningless with god. As an ignorant follower of the christian faith I constantly struggled with my human nature--nature dictated by hundreds of millions of years of evolution--I was constantly a victim of my own humanity and the guilt that resulted whenever I engaged in some small thing outlawed by your worthless, impotent, and irrelevant god. I married an individual with whom I had little in common after a short engagement because god is angry when we have sex before marriage.
For 8 years of that marriage I taught my children to fight their inner nature...that they must fit a specific mold dictated by a non-existent being more than 2000 years ago. A mold that is anathema to human happiness, acceptance, and love, despite what you have so foolishly accepted as truth.
It has been three years now since I rejected my faith. Because of this, my relationship with my parents is strained almost to the limit. They simply cannot accept the choice I have made and so we have little interaction. I feel rejected by them, ashamed of their blind faith, and angered by the beliefs that cause them to weep at night. My in-laws feel as though I have corrupted their child. Many of my siblings rarely talk to me anymore.
And yet my life is infinitely better. My income has quadrupled. I have 5 beautiful, amazing, loving, happy, wonderful children—atheists all. I live in a new, large, single-family home. My relationship with my spouse is better. I have more friends. I am happier because I don’t judge others against a ridiculous standard that has no relevance in the modern world. I am fulfilled for the first time in my life. I provide more service to others, not because I am required by a fickle god, but because it brings me joy. I can accept and befriend those with different philosophical ideals whether those differences are about sexuality, politics, religion, race, economics, or any other delineator. I can look at a person and see their innate value, their capacity for love and joy and pleasure—and at the same time their capacity for hate and sorrow and pain—and I’m compelled by my conscience and my love for humanity to help them achieve the former.
You are all fools for believing what you do. You’re cattle and as such you’re dangerous. You elected (as did I) Bush as President twice and he has destroyed much of what was great about America. You would elect John McCain now simply because he panders to your voting bloc. You’re incapable of independent, logical thought and as such your lives, that wonderful and amazing gift, will be wasted perpetually failing to achieve an eternal reward that doesn’t exist.
I pity you.
Sadly, as I was typing in that retarded word they make you type I noticed that the author of the blog requires that he approve all comments before they appear. Which means that the masterpiece above will never reach it's intended recipients. And so I've posted it here for your enjoyment.
May the Flying Spaghetti Monster touch you with His Noodly Appendage.
Dude - what a post. I recall you and I having quite the heated discussion about Bush and his "reasons" for going to war in Iraq. I think it's true that the magnetic poles are changing direction.
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