Tuesday, May 13, 2008

American Security Cult Brands Students From MIT as Terrorists at Large

Not only are the raging, slackjawed criminal goons at the TSA now in charge of an ID program to credential people so they can be allowed near a ship or a pier, they’re using it to randomly brand students as terrorists at large - records which will go into permanent files that no one can see or ask to inspect without being branded an enemy combatant and bayoneted to death on the spot.

Already a batch of kids have been branded terrorists at large by the drooling goons at TSA and, to their peril, they’re pushing back. To go near piers and boats, starting this October you will need a Transportation Worker Identification Credential, a Naziffic-sounding piece of fucking fascist identity instrumentation.

Although the TSA is beating up hapless foreign students now, soon we’ll all be forced to beg for one of these credentials if we want to take the ferry to work. They’re only $132. A bargain at twice the price. Offer to lick the TSA agent’s genitals or hand him $500, and it might take less than a year to process.

Make no mistake, the TSA’s primary directive is to inflict a scheme on the US in which everyone has to have explicit permission for inter-national travel and intra-country movement from the TSA. Fences everywhere; check points everywhere; a permit for every activity under the sun required under pain of being labelled an enemy combatant.

Do take time to read the New York Times story. It’s obvious the entire marine credentialing system is another insane exercise in standardless discretion. A drooling, fuckwitted TSA goon can label you a terrorist, deny you access to the waterfront, marine transportation and, if that’s your work, your means of earning a living. Appeal? Good fucking luck, asshole.

All you’ll get are Sieg Heils and Shut the Fuck Ups from the wannabee stormtroopers at the TSA. Get used to it, assholes: from here on out, you better love life at the point of a bayonet, because that’s what life is all about in the USA. Problems, here? Problems, friend? Maybe you need to climb down on the floor with your hands behind your back so we can safely talk to you about your hatred of America and its security institutions. Your papers! Your papers! You want the ferry, we need to see the papers! Maybe you need to kiss the bayonet to understand, terrorist dog! No papers! No boat for you!

(Src: http://cynicsparty.com/2008/05/13/american-security-cult-brands-students-from-mit-as-terrorists-at-large/)


Elayne DeLeo said...

Dude - Another awesome post. It amazes me that most people don't understand (or care enough) to understand how this will affect them personally. Maybe not today, but rest assured, one donation or signature on a petition that goes against the current Bush policy and their war crimes is all it takes to be "labled" or added to the enemy combatant list. Wake up people - your rights are being pillaged under your fat, overfed, numb faces - all in the name of the "war on terror". The only thing more terrifying than a jihadist with a dirty bomb (another piece of propaganda) is another 4 years of lies. And I am not afraid of a jihadist.

Elayne DeLeo said...

Another example of our democracy at work -