Friday, April 18, 2008

Times they are a-changin'

A new era has begun here at The Dude's blog.

As many of you know, The Dude is an intensely reserved and private guy. He's kind of like a turtle: slow, not particularly intelligent, kind of useless, ugly, and spooks easily. I can't stress the ugliness factor enough. In fact, to prove my point, here's a picture I took of The Dude at a recent family reunion:

But I digress. The Dude’s monumental ugliness aside, a new era has begun here on the blog because, for the first time in its short, ignominious history, this blog will actually be moderately enjoyable to read.

“What? Why?” you ask.

That’s a fine question, my friends. A fine question indeed.

So enjoy the new, quality content and check back every day. Because we’ll be updating regularly (and by regularly I mean at least every couple of weeks) with high-brow stuff like this:

All the best,



Dave said...

That photo could not be the Dude. The 'Dude' in that photo has way bigger tri's and bi's then the Dude I know.

The Dude I know has no guns and legs that are way to skinny to rock fishnets.

Nice try but that is not my Dude.

Happy to see some fresh posts though keep it coming.