Friday, March 14, 2008


Some dude, like the Dude, had way too much time on his hands (except this past week and this coming week, when the Dude basically has no time) and created this video. I'm not into Bilbo Baggins and all that gay science fantasy shit, but check out how much this video kicks ass. The song isn't bad either.
The Dude


Dave said...

First off let me welcome the Dude back to the Blog. Nice to have you back and posting again Dude, all 30 of your non-posting free loading fans and I thank you for posting again.

Now on to the video. I agree, the amount of work that went into this was impressive.

One thought crossed my mind while I was enjoying this little diddy. What about a porno version of the same thing? Think of the images you could use for "blow" and "take your shot" and "once in a life time".

Watch the video again and think of fun Porno images you could use instead of lame explosion and sci fi pics. This guy may have the time and editing skills to create this clip but he obviously has no time to find or think about a girlfriend.