Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A New Man Law

Another gem from good old Dave. All of us should acknowledge the brilliance of his thoughts here, and consider changing our lives because of it. Dave you stand for all that is good in the world. You stand for truth, justice and the American way.

So I just got back from taking a nice wiz and as I pulled the enormous shaft of my manhood out of its sheath…wait a minute let me back up, first I washed my hands, I mean I am not a Cretan. Yes I wash my hands BEFORE I take a leak, what the hell do you do loser? I made the switch years ago. Why? Lets take a look at why: Like a lot of people I know I was taught things when I was younger that later on in life just did not make any sense. My whole life growing up my brainwashed parents told me to wash my hands after I relieve myself. In blind faith I listened and I did what they had taught me (except when I am all alone and no one can see…why wash then, it is a waste of time). I was told all kinds of wonderful things about washing my hands after using the bathroom. I would not ever get sick, I would be clean, and my life would be wonderful.

There were a lot of other people backing up what my parents had told me. They fed me these lies in school as well. Not only that, they tried all kinds of demented scare tactics like posting pictures of sick and dying kids in the bathroom and telling me that would happen to me if I did not wash. Every so often I would even see signs at McDonalds reminding everyone that they were true believers and insisted that anyone who worked there washed their hands after using the potty. Those signs always made me feel so safe, I mean what food preparation specialist in his right mind would EVER ignore a sticker on the mirror reminding him to do something so important, I mean lives were on the line here.

I am sad to admit that like many young people as I entered my teen years I started to question the things that my parents had taught me. I would think to myself, “Why do I really have to wash my hands after I use the bathroom? Because my parents said I do? Why do I have to do what they say?” Sadly some never really ask themselves these important questions and they end up washing their hands thousands of times, blindly following what their parents taught them without even considering any other options. It isn’t until they are much older and they somehow realize that they were tricked into something that makes no sense, that they have washed their hands for years, AFTER they used the bathroom. Some had never even considered anything else let alone tried anything else. On occasion they would skip it or just forget and they would feel some tinge of guilt but they never really questioned what they had been taught and would soon resume the practice.

Many finally realized that they not only have options but that there might be a way to do things in the bathroom that work better for them. That the path their parents forced them to take might not be what is best for them. Some are indifferent, some just stop doing these things all together, most just keep doing what they have always done without really thinking about it. Some even get angry and blame all of their problems on the false teachings of their parents. If only I had realized sooner that there is another way. I wasted huge chunks of my life washing my hands after I used the bathroom. I could have done something else! My prime years wasted! If I could only go back and do it all over again things would be different. I am not sure how but they would be different. I am mad as hell. Washing my hands after I use the bathroom kept me from enjoying my youth, it kept me from the things I really wanted to do like backpack through Europe. Damn my parents and the establishment for all of their false teachings.

Then there are the special ones like myself who think about things a little more, who are a little more intelligent than the rest. They see the wisdom in what their parents have taught them and do not reject it all together but instead apply it in their own unique way. When I first had rebellious thoughts as a youth I will admit that I embraced them. I totally ignored what my parents had taught me pretty much from the time I was 13 until I was almost 19. Now during these years I would give their teachings lip service, if I thought it would help me get in a girl's pants I would go on and on about how I washed my hands after I used the toilet (it was a lie, I never really did). If I was around someone I knew or more importantly someone who knew my parents I would make sure they knew I was still ‘true’ to the principle. Honestly though I did not care, it was the furthest thing from my mind at the time.

As I got older things slowly started to change. I realized that in the society I lived in that it was much more acceptable to follow this teaching as opposed to ignoring it. I also started to see that all of the truly hot women around me only liked guys who followed the principle. I was NOW committed to following the principle. At this point I was beginning to actively follow the principle again but that did not mean I stopped thinking about the principle itself and the validity of all that I was told.

What I have come up with is this. If you are just going to pee (the rules for shitting shall remain Orthodox or as they were taught to me by my parents) you should wash your hands BEFORE you pee and not AFTER, this is why. Think about how dirty your hands are, I did a science experiment when I was in grade school (back when I did not know scientists were all godless crazies) where I bought all of these Petri dishes and I wiped down a bunch of stuff with Q-tips and then wiped the Q-tips on the Petri dish to see what had the most bacteria on it. I wiped the floor, the dishes, the door knobs, my ass, and then I wiped under my fingernails for the last one. Guess which one had the nastiest shit on it a week later? SO, your hands are filthy, they touch everything. You cock on the other hand is not filthy. You shower in the morning and wash it (some times Way too much) and then you put on your BVD’s, or your Banana hammock if you live in France, or your fire protection if you believe crazy religions, but no matter what it is or is not it is protecting your junk and keeping it clean and away from doorknobs and fingernails all day long. Then you go to pee and what do you do? You put your dirty, filthy, bacteria ridden hands all over your shiny clean penis. So here it is boys (these rules do not apply to girls because everything they have is ALWAYS filthy except for the 5 to 10 minutes right after they get out of a nice hot shower) NEW MAN RULE…wash your hands BEFORE you pee not AFTER, unless of course you are an idiot who pees all over themselves or your little bird (Cantonese – you think they would be smart and not perpetuate stereotypes and use slang like giant snake, nope its little bird for Chinese guys) is too small for proper separation and then you should wash both before and after.

Flash forward to today, you know I am just pulling out my substantial manhood (now don’t you argue with me here Dude, I have seen yours and you have seen mine, advantage me). As I hold my flaccid yet still large member I cannot help but notice how particularly soft the skin of my lower shaft feels at this particular moment and I think to myself, it must have something to do with all of the lotion that has been recently applied and then of course I thought of you Dude and here is why. Do you remember back in college when I was telling you about the kind of lotion that works best for me and you looked at me like I was an idiot and said, and I quote, “Lotion?, You still use lotion? I have not used lotion since I was in grade school! You should stop using lotion, it is WAY better if you don’t use lotion.” You know what? From that day on I used less lotion and now I am to the point where lotion is only required for encore performances. You were right: it is better to not use lotion. I will never say you did not teach me something. Thank you Dude.


The Dude said...

The lesson about using lotion in moderation (all things in moderation) was taught on a trip to Asia in January 1997. It was not taught in college. But no matter, the wisdom of it rings true today as much as then.

But it is not as important as your new man law, which could change the world. There is just one flaw in the idea: if your hands remain wet after washing then you'll get your pants and johnson wet. Nobody wants that, especially the wet pants part, because then it looks like you've pissed yourself. How do you avoid this issue in bathrooms where there is an inadequate supply of towelage or (worse) they use those god damn blowdryers that take like five minutes to dry your hands?

Please help me resolve my concerns.

Dave said...

First off Dave let me thank you for honoring my comment with a post of its own. I really do not know what to say. I mean you learn your letters as a young boy, you practice your words after that, then you learn about Dick, Jane, and Spot (You have to wait much longer to learn about where Jane’s Spot to put you Dick is) and all of the sudden you start to write some of your own thoughts. Public schools try to hold you back by teaching you to write like the f**king founding fathers for about a year which is totally worthless unless all you own are ink wells and quills to write with, I mean what the F, why do we have to learn cursive? We CAN lift our pen from the paper and it will not dry out or loose ink. A whole year we are forced to write in loop-d-loops just so we can sign our names the rest of our lives. Who beside the occasional woman writing a thank you note uses cursive for anything else besides their signature? I should teach my kids to sign their names in second grade then they could skip the entire third grade after that. Third grade and cursive are a waste of time. Eventually you escape the tyranny that is established methods of teaching and writing and you start to develop your own style. Let me just thank all of the little people who have helped me along the way, little people like you Dave, thank you. It is time for the Word Ninja to come out of the darkness.

Speaking off little or you Dave, and mistakes, or me, you are probably right and I am wrong, the lotion lesson was taught to me by you when we went to Hong Kong to see if we were actually gay, which totally makes sense if you think about it. Lessons of great wisdom passed from Master to Student have a long tradition in Asia. I wish we would have been in a DoJo or at least within eye shot of a pond with Lotus flowers instead of a room at the New World Hotel within eye shot of HK harbor. It would have been much more romantic. (Did I just use the expression ‘eye shot’ twice in a sentence concerning masturbation? The Word Ninja strikes again!)

You know that was a great trip that really started to suck when we realized we could not find a good titty bar in a city of 5 million people, in Asia mind you. We should have gone to Singapore, that place is Godless. For some reason Jesus cannot see you in Singapore, or at least people think he can’t. How else do you explain the fact that every guy I have gone there with has cheated on his wife while we were there. You can snort coke off the back of a naked Thai girly boy that is a dead ringer for Angelina Jolie ten steps out the front door of the Singapore Marriott. I have been to Singapore for work now 4-5 times and I have learned to just lock myself in my hotel after dark and practice the lessons the master taught me in HK back in 97 just to save my marriage and my sanity. Promise me we will never go to Singapore together Dave, PROMISE!

I did take a man trip with my friend Mike to a place more barren then Hong Kong, the Middle East. We found ourselves in Dubai together and then we rented a 4X4 and drove through Oman looking for Bin Laden. BTW he is not in Muskat, in fact there are several things that are not in Oman like personal freedoms and titty bars but they do have KFC and Plural Marriage. Can I just stop right here and say that Man Trips kick ass. I have taken several Man Trips both in and out of the country including several man trips to Las Vegas. If you are asking yourself what a man trip is and why it is so good please stop reading this blog right now and go away. GO!

I would have to say that some of my best man trips have been with Mike Coleman. We went to the Domincan Republic and rented motorcycles and drove all over the country for four days. Four days and over 500 miles on motorcycles, no titty bars but we did enjoy plenty of COCK…………………………………….Fighting. This is something you have to see Dave. I should do a whole post about the joys of COCK…………………………….….fighting. That trip to the DR was a good man trip, one that Mike has now done I think 5 times with many different men. What is it with you and all of that Cock……………………………fighting and motorcycle riding in the DR Mike? Every morning I would wake up with a headache and a sore ass and you were all like, “Oh that is because we rode motorcycles all day” well I have one questions for you Mike, Why did you sleep naked in your assless leather chaps that whole trip and don’t give me your “protection from road rash” BS again, you can’t fall off your motorcycle in your hotel bed Mike.

Sorry about getting off track again, let me answer your question concerning the supposed “flaw” in my Man Law. One thing I always have to remember when sharing my pre-wash wisdom is that we are not all created equal. We are all created in the image of God, but some of us are more God like then others if you know what I mean. Let me put it this way Dave, I could have wet hands, be holding a wet sponge the size or YOUR head, while a Golden Retriever shook himself dry on the end of my meat whistle and I would not get a single drop of water on my pants. It is simple physics Dave water cannot leap several inches off of my wet hands and defy gravity to reach my pants. OK Dave, for you I will make a ‘small’ change to my pre-wash man law. I will change “if your little bird is too small for proper separation then you should wash both before and after,” to “if your little bird is too small for proper separation and then you should just kill yourself because we will all be perfect in the next life which means you will not have this problem anymore.” Happy now Dave? Does that "resolve your concerns." Please update the Post with the new changes. There is one thing we all must agree on, those blow dryers that are in some bathrooms are the worst idea ever. I do not care if we have to cut down every last tree in the forest, give me some damn paper towels in the bathroom.

The Dude said...

"You have to wait much longer to learn about where Jane’s Spot to put you Dick is." Unbelievable. Humor of the highest order. I stand in awe of your greatness.

The Dude said...

I still love that when we got in the taxi in Hong Kong that night you said to the driver in Cantonese, "You know how the worst movies are "Saam Kap?" And the guy said yeah and you said, "We're looking for a "Sei Kap" bar. Where is one?" It's been 11 years and I still laugh my ass off when I think about that.

Fortunately the search yielded nothing but hideous dancing Filipinos - which is horrible - and we were forced to stay true to our principles of righteousness. I love principles of righteousness.

On to the next thing: "You can snort coke off the back of a naked Thai girly boy that is a dead ringer for Angelina Jolie ten steps out the front door of the Singapore Marriott." That sentence gets at least a 9 out of 10. Maybe even a Mary Lou Retton. Bravo I say. I don't even know how you construct these sentences, much less have the actual experiences to make it possible. I've been to Singapore once for like one day. It was so boring I wanted to kill myself. I guess I wasn't looking in the right places, I guess because I wasn't looking at all. I was by myself. But Thai girly boys are literally the last thing I want, so I didn't miss anything I suspect.

The last man trip I took - I'm not shitting you - was five years ago this month. I went with two buddies and played golf in Scotland at St. Andrews. Holy cow did that trip kick ass. Man trips are good. But you have to have friends to do that, and since I'm an asshole none of my friends are interested. They all hate me anyway, and for good reason I'm sure. Fuck them.

On to Mike Coleman. "Well I have one questions for you Mike, Why did you sleep naked in your assless leather chaps that whole trip and don’t give me your “protection from road rash” BS again, you can’t fall off your motorcycle in your hotel bed Mike."

Unbelievable. Just incredible. I'm dying over here. I wonder if Mike loved fucking your ass as much as the thought of it makes me sick. Probably not. Remind me someday that this is the forum when the first rumors of you being gay got started. And Mike too. Like Larry Craig, it has to start somewhere. Larry Craig was railroaded, by the way.

I kicked an old lady's ass once. She got in my way on the sidewalk so I just let the blows rain down on her body. I got arrested for it and plead guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct, and then later when the press found out about it I decided I didn't really do it. I was railroaded I tell ya. I take it all back. I'm going to sue if you don't let me withdraw my guilty plea. I mean can you imagine what that dude is going through in Washington right now? He's a senator and every Congressman there - at least 90% of which fuck mistresses, men or Thai girly boys - treats him as a complete pariah. Not because they give a shit about anything he did - they do it all anyway, especially Newt Gingrich that god damn hypocrite cockmaster, but Larry Craig got caught and these morons don't want to be caught dead with a dude like Larry Craig.

Larry Craig was railroaded.

Dave said...

Can I make one more comment? Sorry to monopolize the comments (and the post I guess...all me all the time - yes!). It has been well established, by my wife telling me a gazillion times, that I like nothing more in life then to hear myself speak (or type). I need to comment on the only part of this post that was not written by me. Dave you wrote the following, “Another gem from good old Dave. All of us should acknowledge the brilliance of his thoughts here, and consider changing our lives because of it. Dave you stand for all that is good in the world. You stand for truth, justice and the American way.”

As much as I appreciate the ass kissing Dave, because lets face it, I am never happier then when your face (or any face) is near my ass. However, I need to get something off my chest. (This last sentence is also a statement that reminds me of the time I spent with you in ‘Cleveland’ on that ‘steamer’ ride, if you get my drift wink, wink. It is best to speak in code about such things, that way no one will ever know our secrets). Anyways, I need to tell you something that you may not be aware of. When you used the phrase “truth, justice and the American way” you were borrowing a phrase from the lips of that great American hero Superman. Now I have heard this phrase many times, as have we all, and I love this statement and what it means to all of us who are true patriots. I know you are a true patriot Dave because you used this phrase to describe me, another true patriot. You have also previously referred to yourself as an “American Bad
Ass”. This is a moniker only a true red white and blue, flag waving, apple pie and baseball loving patriot would use to describe themselves. Now fellow patriot, brace yourself…what I am about to share with you will anger you, possibly enrage you, you might want to find your AM certificate and hold it close as you ponder what I am about to tell you. Did you realize that those liberal, commie, f**kwad Hollywood idiots actually changed that phrase in the most recently released Superman movie?

You can read all about this all over the web but what it comes down to is this;

Ever since artist Joe Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel created the granddaddy of all comic book icons in 1932, Superman has fought valiantly to preserve "truth, justice and the American way." Whether kicking Nazi ass on the radio in the '40s or wrapping himself in the Stars and Stripes on TV during the Cold War or even rescuing the White House's flag as his final feat in "Superman II," the Krypton-born, Smallville-raised Ubermensch always has been steeped in unmistakable U.S. symbolism.

But in the latest film incarnation, scribes Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris sought to downplay Superman's long-standing patriot act. With one brief line uttered by actor Frank Langella, the caped superhero's mission transformed from "truth, justice and the American way" to "truth, justice and all that stuff."

When I saw this movie (which was a pretty decent Super Man movie) and I heard the man of steel say “all that stuff” and not “the American way” I was dumbfounded. “Did I just hear that right?” I asked myself. Then I hesitated, got distracted by a shiny object on the screen, and just kept watching the movie like an idiot. In hindsight I should have done what I will now do if I EVER see this movie again either alone or with others. I will stand up, face the screen and yell at the top of my lungs, “That is not Superman, F**K this guy and F**k anyone associated with this travesty, the REAL Superman does not say “truth, justice and all that stuff” F**K THAT, the REAL Superman says “truth, justice and the American way”. Then I will do my best impression of the Angry German kid on youtube.

Who really knows what inhabits the dank dark disgusting hearts and minds of the sub-human filth that were responsible for making this change, God help them, but they claimed they actually perpetrated this sin against America for a reason. They took out the word “American” because they wanted the movie to appeal to a broader audience and they did not want to offend some piece of shit person who lives in some other country. Those spineless whoremongers thought that if Superman kept saying “Truth, justice, and the American way” that someone in France would say to themselves “American way?” well f**k that, and f**k Superman and this movie, I am not going to give them my money. WHAT? WHAT? That is so stupid I can hardly stand it. Let’s get one thing straight right now, the entire super hero concept and the entire catalog of super hero related anything that is worth even considering for two seconds is from America, created by Americans, and therefore is American.

I could even extend this logic and make the statement that anything that is cool now, used to be cool, or that will ever be cool comes from America. That topic is for another day and another post and don’t bring up shit like the Beatles, the Stones, and Led Zeppelin. Everyone knows every key member of those bands was the illegitimate son of an American GI. Think about it Paul and John, Mick and Keith, and Robert and Jimmy were all born between the years of 1941-46 when England was crawling with horny American GI’s. There can be no other explanation. England had this explosion of coolness in the 60’s (just as these bastards reached adulthood) when they had produced nothing cool before or since. BTW – Ringo was %100 British but that is obvious, I don’t know why I mentioned it.

Now that you know the truth you may be asking yourself why? Why is America the source of all coolness? The answer to that question is simple. In fact that answer to that question is the same as the answer to all important questions like; why is America so great/powerful/wealthy/beautiful/so on and so forth such as. Here it is the big WHY? The answer is; God likes America best. That is it. If you don’t like the answer or you don’t believe in God don’t just sit there and think I am full of shit, come up with a better explanation (and then start a religion, you can get tons of money and tail doing that).

Now back to the Superman Rant. Superman is American, don’t complain don’t try to change it just accept it. Superman is American because that is where Jor-El f**king sent him. If Jor-El sent him to France to be raised he would be French (and his suit would look even more gay if that were possible) but Jor-El did not do that did he. Jor-El is a lot like God, maybe he is God, all I know is America is his favorite too. Superman is American so what else could he ‘stand’ for or know other then the ‘American Way’.

It would be impossible for him to stand for anything but the American way. How could he stand for the way of another country or the world for that matter? There is no ‘World Way’ of doing things and we certainly do not want Superman standing for the ‘French Way’ of doing anything. Who would want to see a Superman that could never fight the bad guys because he was too busy eating his 4 hour dinner, or too lazy because he did not have to work due to his bloated train conductor pension, or too blasé to care what the bad guys did. He would probably just surrender if he ever faced any bad guys of German decent and who would want that?

So according to this movie Superman now stands for “truth, justice and all that stuff." What in the f**king hell does “all that stuff” mean? I will tell you what it means, it means nothing, it is a cop out, a snow job, a kowtow to globalization and political correctness. I hate this thing so much I can barely rant in a coherent fashion about this. I really do feel like that German Kid,
I do not want to type I want to yell at the screen and destroy things. I need to breathe…Use your words…Use your words…do not smash your laptop you will need it later to see the Precious, oh the Precious(Porn).