A totally nude photo of "Mama Petite", who died last year at a zoo in Alabama. Check out those gams.
I was doing a search on Wikipedia yesterday and somehow ended up looking at hippopotamuses. These animals kick ass. Not only do they weigh more than Carney Wilson and Wynona Judd put together, they also like to "mark their territory". www.garethpatterson.com says:
This is done mainly by the bull. It is achieved by backing up to an object such as a bush or a rock, and simultaneously urinating and defecating by paddling excrement with its tail. This can be done in or out of the water.
And apparently this is a good thing. The website for practical fish keeping, which is the coolest website in the world, says:
According to a report from AllAfrica.com, the hunting of hippopotami (actually it's "hippopotamuses", dipshit) for their meat is responsible for a change in the composition of the water at Kampala, East Africa, and this has led to a reduction in the catch of food fish. Hippos spend much of their time in the water, and while they are there, they excrete and urinate in the water, leaving nitrogenous wastes which provide a food source for phytoplankton at the bottom end of the food chain.
A Phytoplankton is one of the few things on earth whose mouth waters when someone tells it to "eat shit". I wonder how Noah dealt with this issue while he was on his ark for 40 days and 40 nights? It must have been rough. But he got through it. The Bible says so.
You know Dave I once saw the most incredible Hippo display at a wild animal park in Florida. You could see the hippo's at ground level and you could also go down into this cave where there was a glass wall where the water was so you could watch the hippos swim and play in the water.
It really was incrdible to see these huge creatures swim around gracefully underwater. One more thing, they had tons of fish in this water and when the hippos would shit the fish would go crazy for it, it was one of the funnier things I have ever seen in a zoo.
Why is it the best things you can see in a zoo always involve shit?
I was at a zoo in China or Hong Kong or some other place once, maybe it was Shanghai, and the monkeys started throwing shit all over the place.
You know there are a lot of dumb people in this world, but even Muslims and right-wing Christians and aborigines don't pick up their own feces in their hands and start flinging it at people. I think that's one of the things that really differentiates us, you know what I mean?
We don't live in or drink water that we shit in, and we don't throw our feces at each other, etc. So we're definitely smarter than hippos and monkeys. And monkeys are pretty smart as things go, so I guess that confirms that we're kind of the smartest things out there. Made right in god's image.
Except certain Germans. My friend Ron told me he saw a porn clip once called "hot lunch" where a dude "did it" into someone's mouth before "doing it". I've never seen hot lunch but I can't say I feel as if I've missed anything.
Noah was in the ark for a year, fuck-face. And God!--I fucking hate atheists. No wait, scratch that, back up.
Atheists and I fucking hate god.
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