Friday, April 20, 2007

Bruce McConkie Liked Children

From the 1950's until his death in the 1980's, Bruce McConkie was one of the most important people in the Mormon Church. A "prophet, seer, and revelator", it is suggested that he received revelations, inspiration and conversation from/with God whenever he or God felt it was necessary. His book "Mormon Doctrine" was published by the Mormon Church-owned publishing company and went through nearly 40 printings before the church stopped printing it in the 1990's. Here is what Bruce McConkie (and other Mormon prophets) had to say about birth control (from the 33rd printing of Mormon Doctrine, published in 1989, five years after his death):

"Brigham Young stated the position of the church relative to birth control in these words: "There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime. It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can." Joseph Smith said: "Those who have taken upon themselves the responsibility of wedded life should see to it that they do not abuse the course of nature; that they do not destroy the principle of life within them, nor violate any of the commandments of God. The command which he gave in the beginning to multiply and replenish the earth is still in force upon the children of men. Possibly no greater sin could be committed by the people who have embraced this gospel than to prevent or to destroy life in the manner indicated. " Also: "I think it is a crying evil that there should exist a sentiment or a feeling among any members of the Church to curtail the birth of their children. I think that is a crime wherever it occurs. I believe that where people undertake to curtail or prevent the birth of tehir children that they are going to reap disappointment by and by. I have no hesitancy in saying that I believe this is one of the greatest crimes of the world today, this evil practice. Today the cry is heard in some quarters that these statements calling upon parents to provide bodies for the spirit hosts of heaven are outmoded. Massive birth control programs are being sponsored on a national and international scale. Fears are expressed that the earth cannot support the number of people that unrestricted births will bring. But God's decree and the counsel of the prophets remain unchanged: The real need is not to limit the number of earth's inhabitants, but to learn how to care for the increasing hosts which the Lord designs should inhabit this globe before the last allocated spirit has been sent here to gain a mortal body. Amid all the cries and pressure of the world, the position of the True Church remains fixed. God has commanded his children to multiply and fill the earth, and the earth is far from full."
~Mormon Doctrine, Bruce R. McConkie. 33rd Printing, 1989. pp 85-86.

In 1989 The Mormon Church-owned publishing company was printing books written by its prophets that taught there may be no more abominable sin than to use birth control. Are you kidding me? One day in 1989 I was taking a walk and this old lady got in my way so I just put a total beat-down on her old ass. I let the blows rain upon her withering body until she was dead. I felt bad about it later so I went to tell my Mormon leader about it and, heaving a huge sigh of relief, he wiped the sweat from his furrowed brow and said, "At least you didn't use birth control." And I said “You know what you’re so right. And Noah took two of every living thing into his ark.” True story. I was there.

Oh, and by the way, you should probably start having children ASAP, before "the last allocated spirit has been sent here to gain a mortal body." Because after that last one comes down to this earth, heaven will be empty.

Perhaps such ludicrous concepts are the very reason why there aren't more Mormons in France? Hmmmmmmm...